Master Plan

Embracing a Unified Future

91Ï㽶ÊÓƵ Lutheran College (CLC) is investing in the future to ensure students receive the best possible education and teachers are empowered with modern facilities. A detailed planning process has confirmed that the College needs to unite on one campus to provide a better cultural and educational experience. Our vision is for a renewed, integrated campus spanning both the Stephen Street and Warwick Street locations. 

We invite you to look through the information below and if you have any questions, please feel free to email them to: enquiries@concordia.qld.edu.au

Alternatively, please contact the relevant Director of Campus:

Stephen Street - Mr Jamie Pukallus - jamie.pukallus@concordia.qld.edu.au

Warwick Street - Mrs Jackie Minnikin - jackie.minnikin@concordia.qld.edu.au

Hume Street - Mrs Juanetta Priest - juanetta.priest@concordia.qld.edu.au

A message from our Head of College - Mr Anton Prinsloo

Reasons for Unifying

  • Unifying on one broader campus will enable our philosophy of contemporary learning with innovative, purpose-built facilities.
  • CLC’s three campuses – Stephen Street (SSC), Warwick Street (WSC), and Hume Street (HSC) – unnecessarily stretch resources and dilute our College culture.
  • Education in Toowoomba is a competitive sector with several private schools competing for enrolments; CLC needs to invest in a sustainable future.
  • The College is growing and aspires for enrolments to increase to 750-800 students in the next decade, supporting increased College involvement in competitions and greater course offerings

What to Expect

To begin the College's evolution, in 2024 we will construct a new Junior Learning Centre (JLC) and a new Early Learning Centre (ELC), both adjacent to South Street. In the coming years, we will construct a new Administration Centre, Resource Centre, Performing Arts Centre, and Sports Centre. The aim is for students and teachers to thrive in new, purpose-built contemporary educational environments. Throughout 2024, the three campuses, Stephen Street Campus (SSC), Warwick Street Campus (WSC), and Hume Street Campus (HSC), will operate as normal. In 2025, the Hume Street Campus will relocate. The College will facilitate moves at the start of a Term only (not in the middle of a term).

Click on the below images for Community Updates 

The Plan for an Integrated College

CLC's planning process has confirmed that continuing to operate a Junior College on both the Warwick Street and Hume Street campuses is unsustainable. A unified campus will deliver operational efficiencies and stronger educational and cultural outcomes.

The site plan presents an integrated campus which spans both the Stephen Street and Warwick Street locations.

  • The all-stages site plan, or master plan, is a high level, evolving document that responds to the College's needs over time and to the regulatory and project environment.
  • Specific details may be finetuned across the delivery program to achieve best possible outcomes for all stakeholders.
  • The plan has been developed in collaboration with the College's Leadership Team, College Council, LEQ (Lutheran Education Queensland), and guided by the strategic plan, surveys and workshops with staff, students, and parents.
  • Delivery of the plan will be carefully staged over an extended period.
  • The College community will be kept informed about upcoming activities.

A new Junior Learning Centre (JLC) and Early Learning Centre (ELC)

A new Junior Learning Centre and Early Learning Centre – both adjacent South Street and located across the road from one another – will form a contemporary Junior College precinct with purpose-built, flexible learning areas, abundant green space and landscaping to support nature play and outdoor learning.

K-6 students will enjoy new, purpose-built contemporary learning environments. Benefits to our youngest learners will include:

New, modern classrooms purposefully designed for contemporary learning.

»» Flexible learning and common spaces.

»» Imaginative use of lighting, colour and materials.

»» Healthy integration of natural light and ventilation.

»» Furniture adaptive to diverse learning scenarios.

»» Integrated technology.

Committed to providing future-focused facilities

The College has committed to stronger sports and performing arts programs which will require improved facilities. A new Administration Centre, Resource Centre, Performing Arts Centre, and Sports Centre are all planned for future phases of construction.

An integrated campus provides a range of benefits

At present, the separation of College campuses creates some challenges. Junior, Middle and Senior College students will all benefit from new, updated, and more engaging learning environments. Benefits include:

  • Greater control over class size and gender distribution.
  • Better collaboration between year level class teachers.
  • More diverse student cohorts.
  • Greater opportunities to develop new friendships.
  • Sporting teams can train on one campus.
  • Performing arts groups can practise together more easily.
  • Junior College students gain access to Secondary College resources – such as the pool and gym.
  • Junior College students experience a smoother transition into Secondary College.
  • Secondary College students will benefit from the ongoing renovations.
  • Empowering teachers with state-of-the-art facilities that better support CLC’s progressive pedagogical approach.
  • An integrated campus will unite all 91Ï㽶ÊÓƵ staff and strengthen connections.

Maintaining and enhancing the 91Ï㽶ÊÓƵ experience

The College is dedicated to maintaining the unique 91Ï㽶ÊÓƵ experience that students enjoy now – every student will continue to be fully known and fully loved.

  • The College’s plan seeks to integrate precincts within the broader campus that will ensure the intimacy of the College experience is retained, particularly for the younger students.
  • The 91Ï㽶ÊÓƵ experience is more than just the physical campuses – it’s the approach to education and the people that create the unique culture. However, designs of the physical campuses certainly help. The new Junior Learning Centre will contribute to enabling the College’s philosophy of contemporary learning with innovative, purpose-built facilities.
  • Pastoral care at 91Ï㽶ÊÓƵ is second to none and will continue to support the integrated campus.
  • Junior, Middle and Senior College students will all benefit from new, updated and engaging learning environments.

Empowering staff with contemporary facilities and a consistent culture

Existing teaching and learning facilities across all campuses need renewing to reflect contemporary pedagogy. New, state-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities will support CLC’s progressive pedagogical approach.

  • A combined campus will unite 91Ï㽶ÊÓƵ staff and strengthen collegial connections.
  • Teachers are encouraged to contribute to the fit-out and resourcing of new learning spaces.
  • Purpose-built facilities will provide opportunities for improved academic rigour.
  • A planned new Administration Centre will bring all staff together.
  • CLC is dedicated to retaining and attracting quality staff; the College must continue to develop its facilities and teaching environments.

The future for Hume Street

Hume Street will be sold to help fund the CLC building program.

  • The future of the Hume Street site will be decided by the purchaser.
  • Hume Street will be vacated once renovations at Warwick Street Campus are completed in 2025. The College will facilitate moves at the start of a Term only (not in the middle of a term).
  • CLC undertakes to keep residents informed of the sales process and thanks neighbours for their interest and support of the College.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you don’t get the grant is this still proceeding?

Yes, Master Planning is happening with support from LEQ.

Will I get reduced fees for the disruptive period?

There will not be a disruption in the educational model and there will be a smooth transition for all stakeholders. College fees will be managed as normal.

It takes up to 10 mins to drive to SSC. Will you offer free buses?

Yes. The College will be providing buses and will look to contribute to the cost.

Will there be ASC to accommodate all the relocating students?

Yes. We are looking forward to amalgamating our OSCH services.

Will there be opportunities for the kids to spend some time on the WSC and SSC to familiarise with the grounds before they relocate there?

Yes, we will offer opportunities for the junior students to familiarise with the other campuses before they relocate to them. These will be clarified further down the track.

Will all the teachers be relocating? Or will you have to make some teachers redundant?

The teachers will be relocating with their students.

What will happen to the Hume Street and Warwick Street College Directors?

The Hume and Warwick Street Directors of Campus will be relocating along with the students. It will be business as usual.

Will we (the parents) have a chance to provide input on the new College building designs?

The Community Information Sessions will provide a forum to offer ideas for what the interiors of the new learning spaces might include.

Are the teachers relocating with us?

Yes, our teachers will relocate with us.

What will happen to the land?

The Hume Street Campus will be sold to fund the College’s building program at Stephen Street campus.

The future use of the Hume Street site will be a decision for the purchaser.

91Ï㽶ÊÓƵ Lutheran College...Achieving the Possibilities